
Leon Burson Post 395





Each year Leon Burson Post 395 gives Americanism awards to students in Plano Middle School and St. Mary School Plano.


In 2013 Distinguished Achievement Awards were presented to Plano Middle School eighth grade students on May 21,2013 and to St. Mary School eighth grade students on May 23,2013. A certificate of Distinguished Achievement and the American Legion Medal are awarded to one girl and one boy in recognition of attainment of the qualities of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship, and service. The American Legion believes these qualities are necessary to the preservation and protection of the fundamental institutions of our government and advancement of society. Certificates and Medals at Plano Middle School were presented to Hannah Hupe and Matthew Davis; St. Mary School to Melanie Hess and Dietrich Koller. 

A certificate of Honorable Mention is awarded to one girl and one boy in recognition of possessing a high degree of the qualities listed above. Certificates at Plano Middle School were presented to Brittany Strause and Will Benson; St. Mary School to Carly Lucas and Lorenzo Rodriguez. Congratulations to these students. Awards were presented by Wendell Dominy of Leon Burson Post 395, American Legion.


 In 2012 Americanism awards were presented to four eighth grade students at Plano Middle School on May 22, 2012 at the school awards night. A Certificate and Legion Medal for distinguished achievement was awarded to Caleb Moody and Joselyn Gonzalez.  An Honorable Mention certificate was awarded to Lucas Thoms and Lindsay Hoalt.
On May 24, 2012 at St. Mary School four eighth grade students were also presented awards. A Certificate and Medal for distinguished achievement was awarded to Omar Espinosa and Melissa Niemic. An Honorable Mention certificate was awarded to Andrew Alessia and Nicole Stegart.

The awards are designed to place emphasis on the qualities of courage, honor, patriotism, scholarship, and service. As these young people develop these ideals of Americanism they will develop into citizens of the highest type. Wendell Dominy, Scholarship Chairman representing Leon Burson Post 395, presented the awards at each school.